You are here: ý College of Arts & Sciences Student Advising & Resources Peer Advisor Applications

Peer Advisor Positions, 2025–2026 Deadline: Friday, February 28, 11:59 p.m.

Thank you for your interest in the College of Arts and Sciences Peer Advisor Program and the positions we have available for the 2025-2026academic year. Please carefully review the Position Overview and How to Apply sections below submitting your application.

Position Overview

The College of Arts and Sciences Peer Advisors serve as an additional unit of academic support for CAS undergraduates in the Academic Advising Office. Peer Advisors providestudents withinformation on academic policies and procedures and make appropriate referrals to campus resources.Peers are given the training necessary to address a variety of student questions and handle sensitive academic issues.


The main responsibilities of a CAS Peer Advisorinclude butare not limitedto:advising sophomores (mainly undecided) on course selection,AU CORErequirements, university requirements, and choosing a major. Peers also assist in pre-registration activitiesincluding:drop-ins, workshops, campus outreach, and preparation for registration clearance.Peer Advisors assist students on an appointment anddrop-in basis. DuringAll American Welcomeand admission recruitment, Peers are expected to work with the main advising staff and take part in special advising activities. Peers also help plan other academic programs throughout the year.

Minimum Requirements

To be eligible for thePeer Advisorposition you must at the time of application:

  • Have an AU cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Have 30 or more credits and at least one full year completed at AU as a CAS student by the end of the Spring 2025semester
  • Have past leadership experience and/or an interest in counseling/advising
  • Be available for training during April 2025
  • Have 8-10 hours per week availability for work during the 2025-2026academic year
  • Be able to commit one academic year to the position (Fall 2025-Spring 2026)
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to student confidentiality and ability to uphold federal guidelines

Preferred Qualifications

To be eligible for thePeer Advisorposition you should, at the time of application:

  • Be involved in AU campus life and knowledgeable of campus resources and activities
  • Be highly motivated, enthusiastic, and self-directed
  • Have strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Have experience with public speaking and small group facilitation
  • Have strong communication and listening skills
  • Have experience with social media campaigns and/or other publications

Time Commitment

Peer Advisors work 8-10 hours per week during the academic year. Most hours are Monday-Friday between 9:00am-5:00pm, however some evening and weekend hours might be required. Employment begins August 25, 2025and ends April 29, 2026. Peer Advisors are expected to work the entire 2025-2026academic year. NOTE: If you plan to study abroad in the Fall or Spring semester of the 2025-2026academic year, you are NOT eligible for this position.


Peer Advisors are required to attend one training session tentatively scheduled for the late April. Additionally, peers must complete 4 hours of advisor shadowing in the main Advising Office during the month of September 2025. On-the-job training will continue throughout the year.


$18.00per hour; work study is not available currently.

Info Sessions & Process Dates

Application Info Sessions

Want to know more about CAS Peer Advising? Have questions about the application process?

Contact for questions or to obtain the Virtual info session zoom link:

  • In-personInformation session: Tuesday, January 28, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. in Hall of Science 113 (Collaboration Space)
  • Tabling session: Tuesday, February 11, 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. — The Bridge
  • Tabling session: Tuesday, February 18, 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. — MGC First Floor
  • Zoom info session:Monday, February 17, 5:00–5:45 p.m.

Selection Process

Application is open!
See timeline information below.
Announcement February 28
Applications due by 11:59 p.m.
March 6-7
Selected candidates are notified via email to set up interview
March 19-28
Individual interviews held over Zoom
April 7
Acceptance decisions due

How to Apply

Please note that

  • Resume and Short Answer Responses are uploaded and submitted with online CAS Peer Advisor Application Form.
  • References are submitted using online Reference Form.

Application Requirements

A complete application includes the following:

  • Application:
  • References: Two references are required. At least one must be a professional reference. No personal references. Please direct references to use the .
  • Resume: We encourage you to consult with the Career Center about developing a professional resume.
  • Short Answer Questions: Please type responses to the short answer questions listed below. These responses help us gain insight about you, your reasons for applying, and what makes you uniquely qualified for the role. Thus, we rely heavily on the responses for selecting candidates for interviews. Please note that in addition to content, grammar, writing ability, organization and presentation of thoughts will be taken into consideration. 250 word maximum per response.

Short Answer Questions

  1. What special characteristics or experience do you possess that qualify you to be a successful Peer Advisor?
  2. What do you hope to gain or learn through the Peer Advisor role?
  3. What do you find most interesting/appealing about the CAS Peer Advisor position?
  4. Please explain how you would respond to the following advising scenario if you were a Peer Advisor: “In an appointment with an undeclared sophomore, they ask you what classes they should take for the Spring semester. They need help choosing a major. They are currently taking the following classes: an introductory psychology course (PSYC-100), two habit of mind courses, and one introductory language course.”
  5. Please list anticipated 2025-2026co-curricular activities (if known), e.g., internship, employment, student organizations, volunteer positions, etc.