SJD Program

Dr. Daejung Kim
SJD Program Graduate

Dr. Daejung Kim earnedhis SJD from ý Washington College of Lawin 2011. His dissertation was titled “Constructing Regional Denuclearization: the NPT, Nuclear Weapon Free Zone, And North Korea”Hisfields of study and professional expertise include: International Law, International Trade Law, International Investment Law, International Environmental Law.Dr. Kim is currently serving as Professor of Graduate School of International Studies in Dong-A University, Busan,South Korea.

Degrees & Universities

S.J.D., ý Washington College of Law, 2011
LL.M., Fordham University School of Law, 2002
LL.M., ý Washington College of Law, 1999
Bachelor of Law, Busan National University, Korea, 1997

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